Mahi Mahi Orange 500ml
Our Mahi Mahi Orange gin has delicious refreshing notes of orange.
Citrus fruits are always a good combination in a gin. Of all the citrus fruits, orange is our favorite. The Mahi Mahi Orange gin is a London Dry gin, so nothing is added after distillation, only the water to bring our gin to the desired 48% alcohol. Despite the high alcohol percentage, our gin has a particularly soft taste. Our Orange gin has also won several prestigious awards.
- BEST DUTCH signature botanical, WORLD GIN AWARDS 2022
- BRONZE medal, San Francisco Spirits Competition
The Mahi Mahi Orange gin contains 9 different, carefully selected vegetable botanicals, one of which is sweet orange peel. Orange peels contain natural oils, which sometimes make the gin look a bit milky. Especially if you add ice cubes/tonic. Don't worry, this is a 100% natural reaction.
Mahi Mahi Orange gin bottle 500ml 48% Alc.
Optional: Luxury Gift Box With Embossed Mahi Mahi Logo